Several years ago I began collecting all sorts of nativity sets. Small ones, big ones, wood, porcelain, vintage and new!
I stick to the sets that reflect Jesus as a person rather than a gingerbread man, snowman or Woodstock. I think those are cute but there’s something a little strange about gazing upon a baby gingerbread Jesus.
My fondness for nativities was formed when I was a kid. Every Christmas my Mom would gently unpack her special nativity figurines and place them in the wooden manger under the tree.
A simple yet sacred tradition I took on as an adult. Until now.
I’ve stopped putting up some of my nativities.
My son Evan was in the living room when I shouted out “I can’t put this up. Look at this!”
I shoved the baby Jesus in his face and said what’s wrong with this?
Now, whether or not you believe Jesus was a real person, I think we can agree that he most likely didn’t have light blue eyes, blond hair and a “white/pale” complexion given his Middle Eastern, Jewish heritage.

It just struck me as funny and somewhat sobering. How often do we make Jesus out to be who we want him to be rather than who he actually was.

I’m not aware of any other person in history that has had their existence and identity questioned by so many people.
Socrates (470 BC), Plato (429 BC) and Aristotle (384 BC) were all born hundreds of years BEFORE Jesus and you won’t find any debates on who they were or whether they even existed.
But I get it. I understand why.
They never claimed to be your savior.
It’s much easier to believe that Jesus never existed than to consider whether he was telling the truth.
So, ultimately, I guess you can decide whether you think Jesus existed.
I must warn you however that if you come to the conclusion that he did in fact walk this earth, you must now wrestle with his claims.
When you spot a nativity scene this Christmas season, take a look at the baby lying in the manager.
Is he a lunatic or Lord? Liar or truth-teller? Savior or psycho?
Whatever you decide I think we can all agree he definitely wasn’t a gingerbread man, snowman, Snoopy’s best pal Woodstock or white.
Till the next time,
Julie B.