Demons God heaven Hell Jesus Sacrifice Satan Uncategorized

Jesus followers have 1 thing in common with demons.

IMPORTANT: If you are a Jesus follower this will hit home.

If you are not a believer in Jesus, I hope this gives you some food for thought as you continue to determine what you believe.

ALSO: If you’re looking for a deep theological expose on the topic of good & evil, angels & demons….this ain’t it. Too long, too complicated. Not the place.

This is simply a truth that hit home and challenged me.

So here it is, the 1 thing Jesus followers have in common with demons – – believing that Jesus is the Son of God.

A little bizarre right.

Let that sink in for a moment.

I believe Jesus is the Son of God.

Demons believe Jesus is the Son of God.


Which leads me to the conclusion, that simply believing in Jesus isn’t enough to bring about true life change.


Think about it.  Churches are filled with people who believe Jesus is the Son of God but their lives don’t look any different than the person in the cubicle next to you?

I wonder why? 

It could be that the knowledge of Jesus hasn’t made its way from the head to the heart.

And that’s ok.  Church should be a place where you can explore God and wrestle with spiritual concepts.  If our churches are filled with just “christians” we’re doing something wrong.

But back to life change.  What’s the key?  If  acknowledging that Jesus is the Son of God isn’t enough what is?

How do you get the kind of faith that fills your life with,  joy, freedom, purpose and peace for your soul because you know that you and God are good.

It involves acting on the belief.

If you truly believe that Jesus is the Son of God than you should probably do what He says (that’s a great tip, no extra charge).

A few examples include but are not limited to: Placing your trust in Him.  Accepting Him as the sacrifice for your sins.  Committing your life to becoming more like Him.  Allowing God to chisel away the parts of your life that hold you captive and keep you from experiencing freedom and peace. Earnestly seeking Him and following His lead.  Letting Him use you by loving others unconditionally (that last one is hard and does require Jesus).

Maybe you’ve never given much thought to this concept.  Maybe you think it doesn’t matter.

After all, you’re a “Christian”, you believe Jesus is who He says He is, you go to church, try to be good and maybe even read the bible a bit but it feels blah and absolutely nothing about your life has changed. What gives?

It could be that you have the head knowledge and just haven’t put it into action so it reaches your heart.

True life change happens when we start living what we believe. I can believe that walking everyday will help me stay healthy and control my weight but if I don’t actually go walking……. duh! I can’t reap the benefits.

So, consider doing what demons will never do – place your trust in Jesus, make Him the Lord of your life and actively follow Him.

Knowing without action = no change

Knowing + action = a changed life.

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