I’m sure you’ve heard this before.  “If God is so good why does He allow bad things to happen?” Here’s the thing, I can tell you all day long that God is good but until you discover that for yourself words are just noise. It’s like someone telling you that Portillos’ Chocolate Cake is delicious […]

Your Coffee tip of the day.

Do not wear big fluffy slippers carrying a full cup of coffee up the stairs. Or this may happen. I felt the necessity to pass on this incredible wisdom. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner. Wait a second – it has (sans a full cup of coffee – thank God). And now that I reflect […]

Are you like Samson?

I don’t want to be like Samson. Perhaps you remember him from the bible lessons you heard as a child. If you had an illustrated children’s bible, he was the one with really long hair and super strength shown standing between two pillars with his bulging muscles getting ready to knock the pillars down and […]