Pretty vintage hankies

Hanky Panky – Show off your vintage pretties!

                                     Pretty to look at and so easy to do! Did you ever think you’d spend money on a vintage handkerchief? Something that people use to blow their nose. Really? Neither did I. Until one day in an antique store a sweet little handkerchief caught my eye. The colors were so pretty and the design was […]

Holiday closure for your Elf on the Shelf.

I know, I know. I’m sick of the little Elf myself, but just because I need holiday closure I have to post the final pictures. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a little OC or because I promised myself to see this to the end. And yes, I realize it’s New Year’s Day.  Most Elves […]

Add these to your Elf on the Shelf ideas.

Hi there. Way behind in my Elf postings. But darn it, we’re gonna see this thing through to Day 25! I hope this helps generate ideas for your family. The more ideas we can steal, I mean borrow, from each other the less we have to use our rapidly diminishing brain cells (or is that […]