Coffee Faith God's love Jesus Love

Your Coffee tip of the day.

Do not wear big fluffy slippers carrying a full cup of coffee up the stairs.

Or this may happen.IMG_8909

I felt the necessity to pass on this incredible wisdom.

I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.

Wait a second – it has (sans a full cup of coffee – thank God).

And now that I reflect a bit, it’s pretty obvious, my slippers are trying to kill me!!!


The first time they attempted to execute their diabolical plan I was walking down the stairs.  All I remember is starting to slip down the stairs  (duh! they’re slippers).  No. Like scary slip down a huge flight of  stairs.  Boom….boom….boom.

I instinctively flung my arms out to grab the wall….the railing…..anything that might stop my plummet.  It worked and other than a heart that was beating way too fast I escaped unscathed.  Oh.  Wait. The flashbacks.  I forgot the flashbacks.

They must be like some form of PTSD because for awhile each time I walked down the stairs I would replay the near death episode in my head over and over, each time thankful that my kids or dog didn’t find me in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs.

The slippers must have gotten together and cooked up another scheme.

This time they turned it up a notch in hopes of finishing the job.

(I know they look cute but trust me, lurking behind those cute eyes is pure evil).IMG_7950

The last attempt  didn’t work so this time they patiently waited for just the right moment to strike.

Attempt #2.  This time I was walking up the stairs which might not prove to be all that dangerous; except when you add HOT COFFEE!  (insert climactic sound effect here).

Not a cup filled half-way.  Not a cup with just a few swigs left.  But a full, up to the brim, fresh cup o’ Joe.

Half-way up the stairs, one of my slippers started to slip off (again…..duh! They’re slippers!).  To compensate I tried to just step out of it but lost my balance and fell forward sending my ENTIRE cup of coffee flying.

It covered the stairs, the wall, my hair, my pants, my shirt, my glasses, you get the idea.

After two failed attempts on my life I let my slippers know that I’m onto them and they will no longer be a part of any stair climbing.

Now for the spiritual connection in all this.  I know what you’re thinking, “Spiritual connect?  What the heck am I reading?”

A few things happened when I was “slipping”.

  1. My body instantly knew what to do.  I didn’t have to tell my hands to grab something or instruct my body to move in such a way that it would try to regain it’s balance.  It just happened.  It was natural.  Instinctive.
  2. The second thing that happened as my life was flashing before my eyes, was this thought: “What if, when faced with frustration, inconveniences or irritating people on the expressway my spirit instinctively responded with love instead of rage just as easily as my body naturally responds to danger??

What if it became second nature to respond in love rather than rage?

Compassion instead of criticism.

A listening ear instead of judgement.

A lofty goal for anyone; but if you are a Jesus follower, that’s exactly what He asks us to do.

Lay aside our flesh and respond in love to EVERYONE (not just those you already love, that’s easy, anyone can do that).

But responding in love to those who irritate, disagree or even hurt you is far from our natural default, this kind of love requires a supernatural power source.

Hint, hint – that’s Jesus.

I don’t get it right all the time that’s for darn sure but this near death experience with my slippers put the most important things in life into focus (as near death experiences typically do) and that is to love God and love others.

As mere humans I know there’s room for improvement and if you’re a Jesus follower you got this just lean into your superpower!

Till the next time,

Julie B.











4 Comment

  1. I remember “meeting” those cute fellows last time I saw you…….they are evil twins!

  2. Jan Keithler says:

    I’ve missed your posts! Enjoy reading, relating, and remembering. Thank you for posting and making everyday life happenings applicable to the Word.

    1. Hi Jan! Good to hear from you too. Still miss my California girls.

  3. You had a great attitude after travel delay after travel delay. When you finally met up with us you were in great spirits. I know I after what you experienced I might of not been feeling the love. Keep up the great attitude.

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