Fear says – You can’t do it.
Pride says – You won’t be good enough.
I’ve wrestled with both of these ugly foes at different times throughout my life.
In fact both of these have played a part in my current endeavors (my blog and store space).
Fear has said – You can’t do that. There are a zillion blogs already out there, what’s makes you so special. (sound familiar?) And now you want to open a store space! You don’t have the time or skills necessary to do that!
Pride has said – Sure go ahead and start a blog but it won’t be the best or the biggest. Sure go ahead and start a store but it might not look as good as everybody else’s.
The fight can be exhausting. To quote my husband’s Grandmother, “It makes my ass tired”. Slightly shocking but so fitting for many situations.
So…how do you get fear to shut up? Here’s what works for me:
1. Expose it ~ every fear has a root. What is it? Ask yourself why you are afraid. It could be a fear of not fitting in, not being successful, fear of what people think. Drill down by asking yourself a series of why questions. Pretend you’re a two year old and keep asking why after every answer. You’ll find the root.
2. Pray – for me, my faith and relationship with God is the most critical part of this process. I know that as I work through these feelings of fear, God is with me. He will never leave me. Many times my most heartfelt prayers were simply – Jesus, help me.
3. Memorize Scripture ~ God’s word is a weapon filled with truth and power. Nothing combats fear like the truth. And saying God’s word out loud or in your mind will help. It might not seem like it at the time, but scripture renews our mind and heart from the inside out.
Romans 8:15 “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship.”
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
4. F.E.A.R. ~ False Evidence Appearing Real. When fear starts getting crazy in my brain nothing is rational. I almost convince myself of things that just are not true. Enter this acronym. Stop. Breathe. And only acknowledge the facts. The things you know to be true.
5. Share your fear with someone you love and trust ~ Kinda obvious but how many of us have fears we don’t share because they seem crazy (irrational right?). That’s how fear operates. But someone you love and trust can help you sort through the fact and fiction of fear. They can encourage you and help you dispel it.
6. Positive self talk ~ Fear is a battle. It takes place in your mind. Another great tool is to practice positive self-talk. Yes it seems weird. Yes it seems strange. Yes Saturday Night Live did a skit with Stuart Smalley. But it works and it’s important. So remind yourself how great you are and that YES -YOU CAN DO THIS.
(Check out the Youtube video link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RD6ldAQ6Rh5ZI&v=6ldAQ6Rh5ZI)

So…..I hope these help. I’ve been actively using them during this prep time for my store space. Tomorrow I’m going to start setting up – and I’ve decided that I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it people like me.
Till the next time,