I bolt awake minutes before the alarm goes off – shoot – fell asleep before “staging” the elf.
Do I move the elf because I believe in elf magic? No.
Do I move the elf because I really have nothing better to do with my time? Uh, no.
Do I move the elf because I’m a victim of marketing? Oh, maybe.
But the main reason I move the elf. It’s one more way to make fun memories with my kids.
Do my kids think North Pole magic moves the elf? No, they are 13 and 11. Well past prime elf time.
But I know that in a few years they will be more concerned with friends and high school rather than where Buddy the elf is each morning come December.
So for now, I search the internet and Pinterest, just like you in hopes of finding a new idea.
And here’s the thing…..it’s not really about the elf. It’s about creating memories. A happy home. A fun time of the year when our family celebrates the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Maybe your family makes sugar cookies from scratch and creates gorgeous frosted masterpieces. Perhaps you cut down your tree every year from the same tree farm.
The best thing about traditions is what they do for your family. They should draw you closer together, make you realize how blessed you are and remind you that you’re a part of something special.
I went to kiss my son Evan good night on Wednesday and as I was leaving his bedroom he says, “Mom, don’t forget the elf!”
I won’t Evan. I won’t.

Day Four – Goodly eyed fruit Day Five – Elf plays Snowman in Connect Four Day Six – Your Elf name

Julie! I have been enjoying your blog! Love what you are doing here
Hi Libby – so good to hear from you!!! Thanks for the nice comment. Have a wonderful Christmas.
I find myself excited to see where you’re going to place him next. Love your posting especially the last sentence…..What a great MOM!!
Thanks Mom!