It’s colorful. Low maintenance. Easy to clean. Fun and affordable.
Oilcloth is a great choice for renewing old work tables, carts, chairs and more. I like that it also adds an additional texture to your décor.
I recently completed several projects for my store space in this fun vintage inspired pattern.

I also scored a rolling TV stand from the 70’s in great condition but thought it needed a little color. Covering the top with the oilcloth I left the rest of the stand untouched.

Still having a little bit of the fabric left over, I had enough to cover the top of this rolling cart. The cart was in great shape except the top was a little beat up. Now it looks great and can be easily cleaned and wiped off. A perfect addition to the kitchen, office or craft room. **By the way these rolling carts are typically easy to find at Goodwill stores and so long as they are sturdy, are easy projects that yield great storage!

For each project I used a nail gun and my husband (that sounds funny). It helps to have someone hold the fabric taut while it’s being stapled, that way you can get a smooth, wrinkle free finish.
That’s it for now. Gotta go paint some new treasures!
Till the next time,