I came back to my dorm smelling of food and cigarettes.
No, it wasn’t a party. I just worked my tail off at a fine dining restaurant where I was a server in the smoking section. Needless to say, Valentine’s was one of our busiest evenings.
I had about 20 minutes before curfew, which means the doors are locked and you are in for the evening.
What a great Valentine’s day I thought. Ick.
My boyfriend said to contact him as soon as I was back from work. But what’s the point, we couldn’t go anywhere and we only had a few minutes to spend together.
Figuring 20 minutes was better than nothing and hoping I might still get some chocolates, I let him know I was back.
What followed was one of the most romantic gestures I have ever had the privilege of experiencing.
He had a card for me but asked if he could read it to me. Sure I said. A little unconventional and strange, but ok.
He proceeded to read a wonderfully sappy Valentine’s Day card to me. You know the kind in the card section that have a ton of words on the outside and then it opens and continues with a ton more words. Each more sappy than the next.
After he read the words on the card he said he added some of his own.
He continued to read what he wrote and expressed how much he cared for me and proceeded to describe how he fell in love with me.
(insert “awww” sounds here)
I wish I could say that every Valentine’s Day after that was equally romantic for us.
Several were and then there was the big breakup which lasted 4 years. But that’s another story….another post.
We’ve been married for 15 years now and we’ve had our share of ups and downs.
The marriage journey is hard don’t let anyone fool you. BUT…..our love is stronger now than it was on that first Valentine’s day.
In fact, when there’s more stress and less fun, these are the types of memories I dwell on.
I don’t think people stand at the marriage altar and say, “Boy oh boy, I can’t wait until we get divorced!”
What in the world? Why did she just write that?
Because I think our marriages could benefit greatly if we were to remember these romantic moments from time to time.
~The first time he reached for your hand.
~The location of your first kiss.
~How just saying his/her name made you giddy.
I know you have them. Your spouse has them.
Do you know what your spouse would say is his or her most romantic memory? And men, the horizontal boogie doesn’t count, sorry.
Ask them this Valentine’s day and then when the roller coaster of life is going down hill perhaps these romantic reflections will make the climb back up the hill worth it!
Till the next time,

That is a great reminder! How sweet! Love the picture too!
Always enjoy your blog, Julie!
Thanks Mrs. Nykiel!! So sweet of you. Hope all is well. Love ya!