I wasn’t happy with the light above our kitchen table. My husband said “what’s wrong with it?” I said, “Don’t you watch HGTV? This will never do!”
Actually I didn’t say that but immediately began thinking of how I could change it, make it a little cuter for say….less than $30.
Enter – Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Emperor’s Red & and new light covers from Lowe’s. I simply turned off the light, stood on my kitchen table and painted it. I know you’re supposed to turn off the power, take the light fixture down…etc, etc, but that would take too much time. Besides, since I wasn’t using spray paint I figured it was an easy paint project.
I love spray paint but sometimes I don’t have the appropriate space to let loose all those vapors. But this was easy. So easy that I got some white paint and climbed on my dining room table as well (since I’m not a big fan of bright, shiny builder grade light fixtures).
- EEWW…boring!

Oh, I almost forgot. Here’s a picture of the builder grade dining room chandelier painted white.
I’ll be honest. I was a little nervous doing these projects but I figured what’s the worst thing that can happen? That I ruin the lights and have to go buy new ones….oh no, not that!
Truthfully I’m thrilled that they turned out as cute as they did and it just confirms, THAT IF I CAN DO THIS, SO CAN YOU!
Till next time,
Julie B.
Even the tiniest of lights has power over darkness.