*Quick disclaimer – I almost didn’t post this because it felt a little harsh. Perhaps your experience was different – if it was I’d love to hear about it!
A few weekends ago I went to Shipshewana with my Mother and two sisters.
We love going to thrift stores, antique stores and flea markets, so we were excited to go to the Shipshewana flea market and see what treasures could be found!
My older sister tried to gently warn us as she recalled the time she went to the Shipshewana Flea Market over 18 years ago and said it wasn’t that great, unless you needed some new tube socks, then you were in luck.
C’mon we said, that was 18 years ago, I’m sure it’s better now. Things have changed.
With the repurposing trend going strong flea markets are the place to score those great finds. Right?
Instead of digging through piles of junky treasures it was like visiting the Dollar Store Emporium.
Aisle after aisle of duplicate merchandise – most of which was brand new cheap stuff that you could find at the dollar store or Five Below. Not much in the way of antiques, vintage finds or even original handcrafted goods.
Perhaps I’ve watched one too many episodes of “Flea Market Flip” with Lara Spencer but this wasn’t even remotely close to the type of flea markets that she visits.
I realize that every flea market is different and it can change from week to week depending on the vendors that participate but typically there is an overall “vibe”. This one has that dollar store vibe which is a bummer because it’s considered the Midwest’s largest outdoor flea market.
That would be exciting if it meant a great variety of items were represented; but unfortunately I’d say that 90% was new, cheap merchandise (think sunglasses, socks, seriously bedazzled purses, toys, knives) and the other 10% was worth looking through. It feels more like a “Swap Meet” than a flea market.

Now some outdoor markets offer a combination of the two but Shipshewana felt more “Swap” than “Flea”.
I’m glad we went because you really don’t know until you go. And did I find anything? Yes. I did find a few things like a roll of cute vintage contact paper, a milk glass vase and a vintage coffee cup holder.
But perhaps my review will save someone the drive to northern Indiana specifically for the flea market if you’re hoping to find a mecca of antiques, secondhand treasures or cool junk. The majority of booths are selling new merchandise rather than old treasures.
If you’re going to be in the area, sure stop on by, but it’s not worth any kind of drive. The flowers and fresh produce and jellies are items you can typically find at your local farmer’s market. And the prices were higher since it’s a tourist area.
Bottom line for us, we were disappointed because our expectations didn’t match the reality. And to be fair, the expectations we had were our own hopes that we would find a treasure trove of “junk”; they weren’t based on any reviews or information.
Next flea market on the calendar……the Chicago Antique Market on Randolph street. Ranked in the “top 3 of national urban antique markets” by Travel & Leisure magazine and dubbed the “Mecca of Cool” by the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper…….this one should be a far cry from Shipshewana…..but I’ll keep you posted!
Till the next time,
BTW – here are some fun links for you fellow fleas!
I really enjoy the town of Shipshewana, but have never been there on “Market Day”. I’ll be sure not to bother. The quilt shops and Amish furniture/gift shops are definitely worth the trip. A couple of years ago I met a lovely Amish friend who has been a “pen pal” ever since. I especially love the fact that the shops are all closed on Sunday to honor the Lord’s Day.
That’s true – it is a very pretty and peaceful place to visit. We loved the big antique mall right across from where they do the flea market.
Hi Julie – I was just wondering how your trip went – what a bummer, when you’re expecting to “cash in” on some great stuff and it turns out so crummy. It made for a great story anyway. Irene
See I always find places like this, too and then wonder where all those other great places are people post pictures of! If you ever find a great one I want to hear about it. I’ll have a sign around me neck, ‘Will Travel for {Good} Junk’. 😉