Babushkas (also known as Matryoshka) – some people find them intriguing; others find them terrifying.

My son is in the latter group. “What are those?” and “Those are creepy!” are two phrases he has used when I added some to my kitchen décor

I think he may have uttered something about having nightmares too but I reassured him that they wouldn’t migrate up to his bedroom at night (unless I put them there….just resting on the pillow next to him with the covers pulled up just exposing their faces… I’ve creeped myself out!)

I like them for simple reasons. They are colorful. Traditional. Whimsical, yet rich in history, and remind me of one very important truth.
I imagine God seeing into the very core of who we are, as if He is unstacking the dolls. He sees every part of us and knows the beauty and potential that is contained inside.
Man on the other hand is quick to judge, assess and determine the value of someone, many times based on nothing other than first impressions. (we are slime it’s true)
But God is not deterred by the many different faces we show people. He sees through all our masks and pretenses. He alone knows the intentions of our heart.
Which can be both both terrifying and freeing.
FREEING because:
You can breathe and stop worrying about what others think of you.
It means you don’t have to impress God.
When none else understands you God does.
God knows the desires of your heart even when you don’t.
Now let’s move on to the TERRIFYING aspect.
Here’s where you say, “Do we have to Julie?” and I say, “Yes, we do.”
If you find it scary that God knows and sees your heart, be encouraged, because God alone has the ability to change our hearts.
Those inner recesses that we hope nobody sees, God has access to them. He alone can unstack the dolls to get to the tiniest part of us and if we allow Him, He can create in us a clean heart.
So the Babushukas remind me that God sees my heart and my potential like no one else can.
And guess what my little babushka? He sees yours too!
Till the next time,
By the way – who wears it better?
Vote by leaving a comment – Cat or Dogs!

I’m a dog lover but I think the cat wins this one.
You’re just scared of the cat.
See! You admit the cat is not cute, but creepy looking. Always pups.
The dogs of course! woof woof
dogs, of course. Seeing the babushka tucked in under the covers. you could start a trend, like elf on the shelf.
I’m a cat lover but I think the dogs take this one.