This picture stops me in my tracks. It reminds me that Jesus was both fully God and fully man.
He had to learn how to walk and talk just like the rest of us. He worked alongside his earthly father Joseph. He had siblings and friends and played outside. He laughed and cried, hoped and dreamed. He was flesh and bone.
When I see this picture my heart hurts, like when I look at pictures of my own kids as toddlers, it rips my heart out remembering them when they were little.
I look at toddler Jesus and wonder how on earth his mother survived watching him be tortured and executed? The pain, the suffering, the anguish. God allowed all of this. Why????? Because He wants to be with you. But He’s life giving water and we’re slippery oil. They don’t mix.
That’s where Jesus comes in. He’s the emulsifier. Jesus’ presence brings water and oil together. It’s the only way that water and oil can come together. There must be an emulsifier.
God is good, we are not. Yes, humanity has its moments of goodness and that’s only because we were created in the image of God, but if we’re honest with ourselves, deep down where no one else sees, we are not always good.
Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice that covers the areas of my heart that are not pure!
And for those still reading, may you accept God’s gift of Jesus, the emulsifier.
Till the next time,

Hi Julie this is Dorothy Thomas and I met you today at the Free to be Me ladies retreat. I really enjoyed your powerful message.
Hi Dorothy,
Yes I remember! It was a wonderful event. My cup is filled every time I get to spend time with a group of women like you!! Glad we’re connected now. Have a beautiful fall day.