Newlyweds pay attention – It would be wise to run expensive purchases (say things over $1,000) by your spouse before you buy.
I learned the hard way. Well, it wasn’t that hard because in our house most things become funny and a constant source of razzing for my husband. I give him quite a bit of material.
Here’s the deal – One day I bought an Ethan Allen couch. It was $1,200. I know what you’re thinking, that’s not too shocking considering today’s price tags, but this was 11 years ago. Even more shocking to my husband was when I announced it was being delivered. “What’s being delivered?” he asked. “Oh…..didn’t I tell you….”
I really thought I had told him about the couch purchase. He said no. Oops.
Still not sure why I didn’t include him on this purchase choice?? I think one reason…we were newlyweds, isn’t this my job – feathering the nest?? I also knew deep down that he would say yes anyway. He’s amazingly sweet that way and likes to see his wife happy (yeah, bonus for me!).
However….the result has been 11 years of constant teasing and razzing about the ETHAN ALLEN COUCH.
One day he came home and said….I bought a 70 inch screen TV, it’s being delivered tomorrow….oh didn’t I tell you?
What could I say? I didn’t have a leg to stand on……but, I had a nice couch to sit on.
At any rate, he didn’t really buy the TV, but I know he thinks he could one day and be entirely justified.
Back to Et!@#han Allen, I do love many items in that store but often laugh after I check the price tag. Even if I had the money I’m just not the kind of person that can spend $700 on a side table. Cheap? Frugal? Smart? You decide.
If this resonates at all with you then I know you’ll appreciate my beautiful find for $6 at Goodwill.

Great size, in good shape, charming lines and super functional – yeah!!
This could go in a bedroom, bathroom, entry way or just about anywhere.
I used one coat of Zinsser 1-2-3 Primer, two coats of Valspar Bird Song Blue and 2 coats of Polycrylic.
I’m loving the way it turned out. My husband walked by it the other day and said, “the table looks great”. I humbly said, “I know doesn’t it?”.
I put it in the hallway to take some pictures because I’ve now started selling the items after I’m done renewing them. After you fill your own house with your projects you start to share the love. It’s just the natural order of things. But this one, I’m not sure about this one. This one might just stay right where it is.
Till the next time,
Julie b.

Your title and this post itself totally made me laugh. I’m exactly the same way with my husband. Even though it might not quite make up for that couch purchase, this gorgeous little side table is definitely something you can use to remind your husband of all the inexpensive purchases you’ve made over the years too! 🙂
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the feedback too. Have a great weekend.