My kitchen table is a little like me.
It started out new and fresh. But, then you live a little and before you know it, you’re covered in scratches, permanent stains and ketchup.
At one point, I got so sick of seeing the mess that I hid the table and chairs in the garage. “There, I said, it can be used as a junky garage table, that’s all it’s good for now. It’s too damaged to be of any use.”
Or so I thought.
Much the way Jesus took my messy, scratched up life and removed the permanent stains with His amazing grace – we moved from California to Indiana and I started looking a little differently at my table and chairs.
Maybe it isn’t so bad? Perhaps we can still use it? It does have “good bones”? My husband pointed out that it’s paid for.
I got excited. Wouldn’t it be fun to breathe new life into this once ugly table? I know those sharpie marks serve as a constant reminder to me of when my precious children were toddlers, but nobody else gets weepy when looking at them.
“I’m gonna paint it”, I decreed. So I did. It took a few weeks.
I love it now!!!!

Funny thing, I used to hate looking at this table, but now I love it. It’s colorful and happy. I smile whenever I pass it or sit down because only I know the mess that’s underneath that paint.
And it doesn’t stop the table from being useful and bringing me joy.
That’s how Christ sees us.
He can take anything and renew and repurpose it.
He makes us beautiful and useful regardless of our past damage or permanent stains. He never sees an ugly, useless table only a beautiful creation that needs a little paint.
He reaches for His paint brush.
It’s an amazing color. It goes on red but soon dries to reveal a flawless bright white.
It’s amazing! It’s restored!
There really is no other covering like it.
And it comes with a 100% satisfaction, eternal warranty.
I highly suggest Jesus when you’re ready to be renewed.


beautiful. thank you. needed to read that today.
It’s true! Thanks for your comment.
This is so great! What a great comparison. He is so good!
Jesus hides my sharpie marks!
What an awesome analogy. So simple but yet profound. Speaks right to the heart and spirit
You’re right freaky Mom. It’s a simple message of Goodnews with a profound impact.