I’m sure you’ve heard this before.  “If God is so good why does He allow bad things to happen?” Here’s the thing, I can tell you all day long that God is good but until you discover that for yourself words are just noise. It’s like someone telling you that Portillos’ Chocolate Cake is delicious […]

Are you like Samson?

I don’t want to be like Samson. Perhaps you remember him from the bible lessons you heard as a child. If you had an illustrated children’s bible, he was the one with really long hair and super strength shown standing between two pillars with his bulging muscles getting ready to knock the pillars down and […]

Jesus prays for our unity.

Satan in your church.

It’s a Sunday morning. The church doors are open and sweet singing can be heard. Greeters are greeting. People are smiling and hot coffee is flowing. Something else is also happening. The deceiver is busy. Why do we let Satan have free reign among the body of Christ? Why are we so ignorant of his […]

Pretty in pink

You’re grimey. And that’s ok.

I was standing in line to get my kindergarten picture taken. I was hoping they wouldn’t notice the tattered, stained and much-loved snoopy in my arms. To be fair it was more in my armpit as I had him by the neck cinched under my arm. Of course they would let me hold Snoopy for my class […]

Recalibrate your priorities.

Hate is a strong word. And Jesus doesn’t hate, so let me rephrase. A more accurate statement might be that Jesus  is more important than housework. I’m referring to an account in scripture when Jesus is at the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. When Jesus arrives, Mary drops everything and goes to sit […]